Welcome to Cortez Fishing...

I would like to thank you for looking at this blog and want you to know that I will be adding content daily soon. My plans are for local fishing reports, guide information, pictures, classifieds, weather reports, and links.

For additional content check out: http://www.cortezfishing.com

Remember "Catch Fish - Have Fun"

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I stopped smoking on Tue, 28 May 2013 12:45:00 GMT.
It has been 615 weeks, 3 days, 8 hours, 35 minutes and 54 seconds since I quit.
I have saved € 20874 by choosing not to smoke 73242 cigarettes.
More importantly, I saved 79 weeks, 6 days 11 hours 42 minutes of my life!
Click here to create your own QuitSmokingCounter.com